Sosiologi kelas 11
Sosiologi kelas 11

sosiologi kelas 11

The validity of the data use content validity, triangulation technique and expert opinion. The techniques of collecting data are observation, test, interview, and documentation. The data was taken from the teacher and the students. The subject of this research is the students of X 4 SMA Negeri Kebakkramat Karanganyar academic year 2013/2014. This research is a Class Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in two cycles, with every cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. This research aims to improve students of X 4 SMA Negeri Kebakkramat Karanganyar learning achievement by the implementation of Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) technique in cooperative learning model. Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TWO STAY TWO STRAY (TSTS) TECHNIQUE IN COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT ON SOCIOLOGY IN X 4 STUDENTS SMA NEGERI KEBAKKRAMAT SEMESTER 1 ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014. Terbitan: SOSIALITAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi, 2014 Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model, Course Review Horay, Learning Outcomes.

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Increasing the percentage of completeness cognitive learning outcomes of students at the time pre-action research obtained 40%, 70% cycle 1, cycle 2 to 86% (mastery learning high category).īased on the results of this study concluded that with the implementation of cooperative learning model Course Review Horay can improve learning outcomes sociology class XI IPS 1 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta Lesson year 2013/2014. The increase in the average value of the significance of a class of only 7.77 points, or 11.26% (Enough) starting from values obtained pre-action research class average 71.23, 77.23 for 1 cycle, 2 cycles to 79.

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The percentage level of achievement cooperative learning model Course Review Horay during cycle 1 was obtained 73% increase in cycle 2 to 85.5% (Achievement model is very successful). Increasing the percentage of teacher performance when pre-action research obtained 63.75%, 73.75% of cycle 1, cycle 2 to 78.75% (excellent teacher performance). Increasing the percentage of students psychomotor when pre-action research obtained 47.8%, 64% cycle 1, cycle 2 to 75.5% (StudensPsychomotor isgood). Results of this study show that when seen from the percentage increase in student affective when pre-action research obtained 49.8%, 65.5% for cycle 1, cycle 2 to 79.1% (Affective students very well). Performance indicators that must be achieved is improving student learning outcomes of each cycle, the teacher can improve the performance of the learning process, achieving 80% success indicators for the individual student mastery and mastery of the classical learning material taught. Analysis of the data used in this study consisted of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data collection techniques include documentation, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and evaluation. Subjects were students of class XI IPS 1 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 30 people. This research is a class action research consisting of two cycles, and each cycle consists of four stages: plan, implementation, observed and reflection.

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The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of sociology with the implementation of cooperative learning model Course Review Horay in class XI IPS 1 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta Lesson year 2013/2014. Thesis, Surakarta: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. APPLICATION COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TYPE COURSE REVIEW HORAY FOR IMPROVING LEARNING OUTCOMES SOCIOLOGY GRADE XI IPS 1 SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 1 SURAKARTA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014.

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